RCN Accredited Nurses' Skills Development - Coachwise

RCN Accredited Nurses' Skills Development

If your marketing campaign includes helping patients through supporting the skills development of nurses, Coachwise Consultants has designed and developed three one-day skills development workshops which are accredited by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN). 

The topics available are those which are suggested by nurses as being of most importance within their role:

These highly practical and enjoyable workshops lead to enhanced clinical care and as an additional benefit the nurses obtain five study hours for each workshop, contributing towards their continuing professional development PREP requirement.

Each workshop can be delivered locally to a group of nurses anywhere in the UK or indeed beyond, either as an individual event or as a number of workshops running in parallel, for example at a professional symposium.   Participants' feedback is consistently excellent and the workshops are enormous fun.

We are pleased to design other workshops and skills development programmes to meet your specific needs and to apply for RCN accreditation as required.  

What people say

“Excellent tutor. Highly relevant,practical and informative day which will really help me back at work.

Today's training will really improve patient care and team morale - I can't wait to put what I have learned into practise.”
“Phil was very knowledgeable, clear and precise. Kept the group motivated.

Phil was very good and kept my attention all day. He maintained relevance to my practice.

A really enjoyable and useful day - thanks!”

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